What kind of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are provided for?
Children with SEND have learning difficulties and/or physical difficulties which make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. They may require additional work which can be different from the rest of the class.
Special educational needs and provision can be considered as falling under four broad areas.
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and / or Physical difficulties
How do we identify children with SEND and how do we assess their needs?
Pupils might enter school with previously identified SEND or parents may raise an initial concern with the teacher or SENCO.
The progress and attainment of all pupils is reviewed every term by the Headteacher in conjunction with the class teacher and learning assistant. If a child fails to make adequate progress or is observed to be unable to access the regular curriculum after making reasonable adaptations, extra support or provision is put in place. There are three different levels of support.
Wave 1 is quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the pupils in the classroom. It includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment. (Children requiring this stage of support will not be classified as SEND support)
Wave 2 is specific, additional and time-limited interventions provided for some pupils who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. They are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.
Wave 3 is targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored interventions to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential.
The SEND Code of Practice
The SEND Code of Practice (Sept 2014) explains that once a potential SEND is identified, four types of action are needed to put effective support in place. These actions form part of a cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with the growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress.
The four actions are
- Assess. The class teacher and SENCO should clearly analyse a pupil’s needs before identifying a child as needing SEN support.
- Plan. The SENCO, teacher and parents agree interventions and/or support, including the expected outcomes.
- Do. The implementation of the plan. The teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and assessing the impact of the plan (even if group or 1-1 teaching is away from the teacher)
- Review. The effectiveness of the support should be reviewed by the SENCO, teacher and parents in line with the agreed date.
Following action 4, a decision will be made as to whether progress means that support is no longer required or whether the cycle begins again with refined or alternative provision.
Who are the Key members of staff?
Mrs C Bateman – SENCO
Mrs E Guppy-Wilcox – SEN Governor
Mrs E Searle – Speech & Language Learning Assistant
What is the Parents’ role? How are parents involved in their child’s education?
We believe that parents working together in partnership with us will help your child make the best progress. Parents are informed at every stage of the identification and monitoring process and their input is warmly encouraged.
Parents are invited to meetings with the class teacher on a termly basis (any of the above staff may also attend if they are directly involved in supporting your child). Class teachers are also available to discuss any difficulties or successes on a daily basis (the end of the day is usually best).
Appointments with Mrs Bateman can be made through the office.
How do we assess and review children’s progress towards outcomes?
All children are formally assessed against the Early Years foundation Stage or the National Curriculum on a termly basis. This is done through observations and recorded work.
Children with SEND will have specific targets linked to their need and documented on their individual provision map. Parents and children’s views are also welcome in the assessment process.
How do we teach children with SEND?
All children are assessed and monitored carefully. Staff are all fully aware and have access to children’s reports and records. These are used to personalise teaching approaches according to the individual children’s need. Every effort is made to ensure that children with SEND are able to access all aspects of the curriculum that are provided for their peers. Long term aims are identified and provision is planned to meet these aims. Regular and careful monitoring means that provision can be evaluated and carefully targeted to each child’s needs.
How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted for children with SEND?
No child should be unable to access learning opportunities because of any SEND so we endeavour to provide an inclusive environment. (A copy of the school Accessibility plan is available from the office)
Careful planning and differentiation are the first approach to ensure children’s needs are catered for. If necessary extra support will be implemented to ensure that all children can access the same learning opportunities.
Under the Code of Practice, children with complex SEND will be given an EHC Plan which will outline support and adaptations needed to support the child.
How are our staff trained to support children with SEND?
We regularly evaluate the needs of all children including those who require SEND support and staff are carefully deployed according to their strengths and the children’s needs. Targets for SEND provision are included within the school development plan including training. Please see the SEND information report for training details.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND provision?
In Key Stage 1(Years 1 and 2), termly progress meetings are held to monitor all pupils’ progress in Reading, Writing and Maths. In Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception) the prime areas (Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Communication & Language and Physical Development) are included too. It is expected that all children will be making at least expected progress, with the aim being accelerated progress in order to close the attainment gap.
Weekly Vulnerable Pupil strategy meetings are held to discuss the impact of interventions and any further interventions / adaptations needed for individual children.
Termly Impact meetings which are attended by staff and governors focus on narrowing the attainment gap for all vulnerable groups including SEND. The minutes are shared with the full governing body.
What support is available for improving emotional and social development?
The wellbeing of all our pupils is extremely important to all of us. Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSED) is integral to our curriculum and also taught explicitly. We have adapted a Trauma informed approach to our behaviour policy. Three members of staff are Truama Informed School practioners.
Additional support from specialist staff is arranged as needed for individual pupils both in and out of the classroom. This is usually our Pupil and Family support. A personalised plan may be put in place for pupils with the highest need.
How do we involve other agencies to help meet the needs of children with SEND and their families?
Following stage 1 and stage 2 interventions, if a child does not make the expected outcomes it may be necessary to involve other professionals for specific support. All external partners are vetted in terms of safeguarding and their impact on progress is monitored.
Outside agencies include: Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Team, ASD (Autism) Team, Speech & Language Therapist, Hearing Impairment service, Visual Impairment Service, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, School Nurse, Family Support and Social Services.
How are children supported when moving between phases of education?
Within school smooth year to year transitions are ensured through open strong relationships with all staff and pupils. We also have good links with all neighbouring preschools and with the Junior school. The Junior school SENCo is invited to annual reviews and TAC meetings throughout Year 2.
Transition action plans are tailored to a child’s individual needs and may include extra visits, transition booklets including photographs or additional adult support.
What are the arrangements for handling complaints from parents about provision made at school?
The first point of contact for concerns is the class teacher.
Mrs Bateman (SENCO) and Mrs Guppy-Wilcox (SEN Governor) are both available through the office.
Details of our full complaints procedures are available on the school website or through the school office.