Welcome to Our New Website!

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Class 7 Carn Brea

Mr Simon Hill
Mrs Sacha Joyce
Mrs Sharon Roberts

Class 8Dolcoath
Mr Zach Hughes
Mrs Lesley Lach

Class 9South Crofty

Mrs Lisa-Marie Clarke
Mrs Karen Perham

In Year 2, the curriculum has been carefully planned to build upon and progress from Year 1. Our lessons are creative, exciting, and fun as well as being challenging. We aim to build on our children’s independence to become confident, resilient, and self-motivated learners who will be ready for their journey to KS2.

Our classrooms are enhanced with resources which support the direct teaching sessions that the children receive. We are currently developing our outdoor science space for Year 2 and the rest of the school.

These are the topic themes that we plan to cover during the year. At the beginning of each new term, we will send home a topic map that outlines the learning for that term so you can talk about it with your child. We will send home a weekly email to update you on what your child is learning each week and how you can support them.
Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Magic & Monsters Wild & Wonderful Cornwall Ocean Explorers
The rest of our curriculum follow the school’s progression of skills which is linked directly to school’s locality. Click here to view, Autumn Topic map, Spring topic map and summer topic map to see what your child will be learning this year in Year 2. Sharing these with you enables you as parents to know in advance what your child is learning and if you have any expertise in any subjects, please feel free to offer your support in school.

We believe children learn best when they have first-hand experiences. We plan the children’s learning to be exciting, memorable and in context. We have several trips planned this year to enhance the learning that the children do in school.

Phonics is taught discretely every day in Read Write Inc. sessions and then embedded throughout the rest of the days teaching and provision. Children bring home reading books that are linked directly to the phonics stage they are on. We also read a wide range of books in class reading (fiction, non-fiction, and poetry) where we focus on reading comprehension skills, development of vocabulary and reading for pleasure.

Children are taught a daily maths lesson following the White Rose Maths scheme which we adapt to meet the needs of our class and a short mental maths lesson before lunch following Number Sense Maths. Activities are sent home linked to these sessions on Class Dojo.

In our English lessons, we use the Talk For Writing approach to learn texts off by heart and then innovate on them allowing us to practice the skills we have learnt before inventing our own texts. Children bring home the text maps so they are able to tell the stories to their families. Spellings are taught in class and sent home for the children to practice. We develop fine motor skills and handwriting using ‘funky fingers’ and the Nelson Handwriting scheme.

We communicate with parents each week and the school ethos of We Care, We Help, We Succeed is embedded in our classes.